Sunday 27 May 2012

iBGStar-an iPhone Accessories for Diabetics

iPhone is a phenomenal device, in addition to advanced, also with various accessories and applications that have made these devices more attractive. The accessories are compatible with this device not only for multimedia, but also there is for health.

For the health, one of new accessories is the iBGStar. This accessory is suitable for diabetics, and has a certificate from the FDA (Food Drugs Association) so that accuracy can be trusted.

How to use iBGStar pretty easy, users simply need to plug iBGStar to iPhone or iPod Touch via the 30 pin connector. After synchronization with an application manager, these accessories are ready to be used to check your blood sugar levels.

In addition, application manager will also provide the data in the form of statistics, graphs and trends so that users can determine the treatment and appropriate diet program.

This device has been equipped with an internal battery so it will not decrease your iPhone battery. Based on several sources these accessories will be priced at $99.95.

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