HTC has released a smartphone named HTC Panache in Canada through collaboration with the country's telecom operators, Bell. Comes with a luxurious appearance and based on Android 2.3.Gingerbread and support the 4G network. HTC Panache smartphone comes with sized 3.8-inch touch screen and powered by 1GHz Scorpion processor has a capacity of 768MB RAM and 8GB of internal memory capacity. Panache smartphones equipped with a microSD slot up to 32GB and 5 megapixel camera, front camera.
The attributes connectivity that accompany HTC Panache is fairly complete. Look at the beginning of HSUPA, HSDPA, WiFi and even DLNA there in smartphone. Not satisfied with the display on the small screen, use DLNA to move all the photo files, videos and even music to your home theater system in your home. HTC Panache can also be turned into a mobile hotspot that can connect up to 8 devices. Finally Adobe Flash Player 10.1 gives the user the opportunity to enjoy the interactive flash content such as videos, games and even music.
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