Saturday 21 July 2012

How to Track Whereabouts of a Person Through the Mobile Phone

Sometimes we receive miss-called, of the mobile number and we do not know who they are. Once, twice maybe we can ignore, but if often, we would also be curious. If you experience any of these and want to treat your curiosity,about people who are often miss-called, you can try to track it down, with the help of Google Latitude application.

The Google Latitude is a free service, which can do things like knowing where your friends/family and can contact them directly either via SMS, IM or telephone. So anytime and anywhere, via mobile phones we can find a place where a person. The workings of the Google Lattitude using the base stations a mobile operator so the phone without GPS can use this service.

If you want to try it please follow the steps below :

1. Please install the Google Latitude apps, for those of you who do not have, can be downloaded from this link
2. After installed, you can simply run it.
3. Do the network settings first, its function is to add list of friends who will look at the map, and then click Add Friends menu and enter your friend's email address
4. To find the position of the target, click the menu - Latitude, and select your friends profile picture, at a glance we can know where the presence of your friends (The position will be displayed in Google Maps)

Note : if you want to share your location with friends, so you should invite your friends via the phone, and your friends can accept or reject it. If accepted, the Google Latitude also gives the option, whether Your friend just received an invitation only, but they would not tell the location of their existence or or it could accept both.

The application also supports for the Android OS, Windows Phone OS, iOS and Symbian. Requires an internet connection and can run without GPS devices.


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